Doris Šarić Kukuljica

Doris Šarić Kukuljica was born in Dubrovnik on 17 March 1960. She graduated from the Zagreb University Academy of Dramatic Arts in 1982 and has been the member of the Zagreb Youth Theatre (ZKM) company since 1992.
Shows played at ZKM: Tri sestre (Three Sisters, directed by Branko Brezovec), Magic & Loss (directed by Eduard Miler), San ivanjske noći (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Janusz Kica), Zimska bajka (The Winter’s Tale, directed by Rene Medvešek), Roberto Zucco (directed by Christian Colin), Tri mušketira (The Three Musketeers, directed by Janusz Kica), Medeja 95 (directed by Leo Katunarić), Keely i Du (Keely and Du, directed by Nina Kleflin), Putovanje jednog princa (The Prince’s Voyage, directed by Ozren Prohić), Događaj u gradu Gogi (An Event in the Town of Goga, directed by Damir Zlatar Frey), Alpsko rumenilo (Alpine Glow, directed by Georgij Paro), Grad u gradu (City in the City, directed by Bobo Jelčić), Kraljevo (directed by Paolo Magelli), Brat magarac (Brother Donkey, directed by Rene Medvešek), Naranča u oblacima (Orange in the Clouds, directed by Borna Baletić), Veliki meštar sviju hulja (The Great Master of All Scoundrels, directed by Branko Brezovec), Jelka kod Ivanovih (Christmas at the Ivanovs, directed by Nebojša Borojević), Susjeda (The Neighbour, directed by Ivica Boban), Naš grad (Our Town, directed by Rene Medvešek), Palačinke (Pancakes, directed by Filip Nola), Ana Karenjina (Anna Karenina, directed by Vasily Senin), Mala sirena (The Little Mermaid, directed by Robert Waltl), Vrata do (Next Door, directed by Rene Medvešek), Skakavci (Grasshoppers, directed by Janusz Kica), Baltazar (directed by Krešimir Dolenčić), Galeb (The Seagull, directed by Vasily Senin), Krijesnice (Fireflies, directed by Janusz Kica), Noć pjeva pjesme svoje (Nightsongs, directed by Dino Mustafić), Glasi iz planina (Voices from the Mountains, directed by Rene Medvešek), Oprostite, mogu li vam ispričati…? (Excuse me, Can I Tell You…?, directed by Anica Tomić), Polet (The Flight of Fancy, directed by Jean-Claude Berutti), Zagrebački pentagram (Zagreb Pentagram, directed by Paolo Magelli), Brak Marije Braun (The Marriage of Maria Braun, directed by Tea Alagić Vlašić), Revizor (The Government Inspector, directed by Jernej Lorenci), Garaža (Garage, directed by Ivica Buljan), Fedrina ljubav (Fedra’s Love, directed by Božidar Violić), Moj sin samo malo sporije hoda (My Son is Just a Slow Walker, directed by Janusz Kica), Žena bez tijela (The Woman Without a Body, directed by Božidar Violić), Sada je, zapravo, sve dobro (Yes, Really, Everything’s All Right Now, directed by Olja Lozica), Tartuffe (directed by Jernej Lorenci), Alan Ford (directed by Dario Harjaček), Kako smo preživjele (How We Survived, directed by Dino Mustafić), Petar Pan (Peter Pan, Robert Waltl), (Pret)posljednja panda ili statika (Static, directed by Saša Božić), Hinkemann (directed by Igor Vuk Torbica), Čarobni brijeg (The Magic Mountain, directed by Janusz Kica), Noćni život (Night Life, directed by Paolo Magelli), Črna mati zemla (Black Mother Earth, directed by Dora Ruždjak Podolski), Radnice u gladovanju (Female Workers on Hunger Strike, directed by Olja Lozica), Ono što nedostaje (That Which is Missing, directed by Selma Spahić), Pansion Eden (directed by Árpád Schilling), Dobro je dok umiremo po redu (It’s Fine As Long As We Die in Due Order, directed by Aleksandar Švabić), Mi i Oni (Us and Them, directed by Dario Harjaček / Katarina Pejović), Monovid-19 (directed by Anica Tomić), Ja sam ona koja nisam (I Am Who I’m Not, directed by Paolo Magelli), Kamen (The Stone, directed by Patrik Lazić), Svjetlo pada (Light Falls, directed by Janusz Kica), Višnjik (The Cherry Orchard, directed by Ivan Popovski), and Moj muž (My Husband, directed by Dora Ruždjak Podolski), 12. NOĆ ili kako hoćete (Twelfth Night or What You Will, directed by Grzegorz Jarzyna), Anđeo od leda (Angel of Ice, directed by Árpád Schilling).
She also performed at many other theatres and events, including the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, Rijeka, and Split, the &TD Theatre, Marin Držić Theatre in Dubrovnik, and Dubrovnik Summer Festival as well as in films and TV series. In her rich acting career she played about 150 roles.
She won many acting awards, including the 2020 Vladimir Nazor Award for theatrical performance as Elza in Dobro je dok umiremo po redu (It’s Fine As Long As We Die in Due Order), seven Croatian Actor Awards for best actress, four Marul Awards, three Veljko Maričić Awards, Vjesnik’s Dubravko Dujšin Award, two Orlando Awards at the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, and the 2018 Golden Arena Award at the Pula Film Festival for the best role in the film Lada Kamenski, (directed by Sara Hribar / Marko Šantić), to mention but a few festival awards and mentions for her performances.