Ivan Pašalić

Ivan Pašalić was born in Zagreb on 30 January 1990. He took his master’s degree from the Zagreb University Academy of Dramatic Arts and has been the member of the Zagreb Youth Theatre (ZKM) company since 2022.

Shows played at ZKM: Mladež bez Boga (Youth Without God, directed by Borut Šeparović), Monovid-19 (directed by Anica Tomić), Čarobnjak iz Oza (The Wizard of Oz, directed by Saša Broz), Braća Karamazovi (The Brothers Karamazov, directed by Oliver Frljić), Svjetlo pada (Light Falls, directed by Janusz Kica), and Moj muž (My Husband, directed by Dora Ruždjak Podolski), Euforija (Euphoria, directed by Ksenija Zec), Jezik kopačke (The Language of Football Boots, directed by Borut Šeparović).

He made his debut when he still attended the Theatre’s College in 2009 in the show Generacija 91–95 ili sat hrvatske povijesti (Generation 91–95, Or a Class in Croatian History), directed by Borut Šeparović, whith which he toured a number of European and regional theatre festivals, including the Wiener Festwochen.

He has also performed at the Dubrovnik Summer Festival and the &TD Theatre.