Pjer Meničanin

Pjer (Branko) Meničanin was born in Karlovac on 3 May 1963. He has been the member of the Zagreb Youth Theatre since 1990.

Shows played at ZKM: Radni naslov Nacija (Working Title: The Nation, directed by Paolo Magelli), Postolar i vrag (The Shoemaker and the Devil, directed by Krešimir Dolenčić), Nećko Svojeglavečko (directed by Božidar Violić), Odisej i sin ili svijet i dom (Odysseus and Son, or The World and Home, directed by Vito Taufer), Bauhaus (directed by Paolo Magelli), Harpa (directed by Božidar Violić), Knjiga o džungli (The Jungle Book, directed by Janusz Kica), Krležine Zastave (Krleža’s Flags, directed by Georgij Paro), Tri sestre (Three Sisters, directed by Branko Brezovec), San Ivanjske noći (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Janusz Kica), Charlie Brown – memoari jednog psa (Charlie Brown: Memoirs of a Dog, Snježana Banović), U logoru (In the Camp, directed by Božidar Violić), Roberto Zucco (directed by Christian Colline), Mafija (Mafia, directed by Lukas Nola), Hamper (Bucket, directed by Rene Medvešek), Tri mušketira (The Three Musketeers, directed by Janusz Kica), Putovanje jednog princa ili u potrazi za dobrim ukusom (The Prince’s Voyage, directed by Ozren Prohić), Tri sestre (Three Sisters, directed by Paolo Magelli), Č.P.G.A. (Mr A’s Amazing Maze Plays, directed by Rene Medvešek), Dom od kiše (The Home Made of Rain, directed by Marin Carić), John Smith, princeza od Walesa (John Smith, The Princess of Wales, directed by Dražen Ferenčina), Kraljevo (directed by Paolo Magelli), Veliki meštar sviju hulja (The Great Master of All Scoundrels, directed by Branko Brezovec), Brat magarac (Brother Donkey, directed by Rene Medvešek), Zaštićena zona (Safe Area, directed by Dušan Jovanović), Kamov smrtopis (Kamov, On Death, directed by Branko Brezovec), Naš grad, (Our Town, directed by Rene Medvešek), Palačinke (Pancakes, directed by Filip Nola), Veliki bijeli zec (Big White Rabbit, directed by Ivica Kunčević), Ana Karenjina (Anna Karenina, directed by Vasilij Senjin), Mala sirena (The Little Mermaid, directed by Robert Waltl), Skakavci (Grasshoppers, directed by Janusz Kica), Baltazar ili potraga za čudesnom kapljicom (Balthasar, or the Quest for the Miracle Drop, directed by Krešimir Dolenčić), Veliki Gatsby (The Great Gatsby, directed by Ivica Buljan), Krijesnice (Fireflies, directed by Janusz Kica), Koko u Parizu (Koko in Paris, directed by Ivica Boban), Zagrebački pentagram (Zagreb Pentagram, directed by Paolo Magelli), Put oko svijeta u 80 dana (Around the World in Eighty Days, directed by Krešimir Dolenčić), Buđenje proljeća (Spring Awakening, directed by Oliver Frljić,) Fedrina ljubav (Fedra’s Love, directed by Božidar Violić), Ružno pače (The Ugly Duckling, directed by Robert Waltl), Idiot (The Idiot, directed by Ivan Popovski), Galeb (The Seagull, directed by Bobo Jelčić), Tartuffe (directed by Jernej Lorenci), Hamlet (directed by Oliver Frljić), Kristofor Kolumbo (Christopher Columbus, directed by Rene Medvešek), Petar Pan (Peter Pan, directed by Robert Waltl), Crna knjiga (Black Book, directed by Borut Šeparović), Pad (The Fall, directed by Miran Kurspahić), Noćni život (Night Life, directed by Paolo Magelli), Črna mati zemla, (Black Mother Earth, directed by Dora Ruždjak Podolski), Proba orkestra (Orchestra Rehearsal, directed by Edvin Liverić), Eichmann u Jeruzalemu (Eichmann in Jerusalem, directed by Jernej Lorenci), Dobro je dok umiremo po redu (It’s Fine As Long As We Die in Due Order, directed by Aleksandar Švabić), Cement (directed by Sebastijan Horvat), Neprijatelj naroda (Enemy of the People, directed by Ivan Penović), Višnjik (The Cherry Orchard, directed by Ivan Popovski), Moj muž (My Husband, directed by Dora Ruždjak Podolski).


Pjer has performed in 62 plays for ZKM and in 20 more for other theatres. He has mostly worked with Paolo Magelli (11 shows), Janusz Kica (seven), Rene Medvešek (six), Božidar Violić (five), to name a few of the many home and foreign directors. He has also worked for the Croatian TV children’s programme (Čarobna ploča / The Magic Blackboard), performed in radio plays, and done cartoon voice overs.


For his role in the show Dobro je dok umiremo po redu (It’s Fine As Long As We Die in Due Order, ZKM) he received the Croatian Actor Award for best actor in 2020.