Maro Martinović

Maro Martinović was born in Dubrovnik on 6 January 1961. He graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in 1983 and has been the member of the Zagreb Youth Theatre (ZKM) company since 1992.
Shows played at ZKM: Ja sam ona koja nisam (I Am Who I’m Not, directed by Paolo Magelli), Dobro je dok umiremo po redu (It’s Fine As Long As We Die in Due Order, directed by Aleksandar Švabić), Mi i Oni (Us and Them, directed by Dario Harjaček), Sherlock Holmes (directed by Krešimir Dolenčić), Čarobni brijeg (The Magic Mountain, directed by Janusz Kica), Kristofor Kolumbo (Christopher Columbus, directed by Rene Medvešek), Alan Ford (directed by Dario Harjaček), Idiot (The Idiot, directed by Ivan Popovski), Fedrina ljubav (Fedra’s Love, directed by Božidar Violić), Eksplicitni sadržaji (Explicit Content, directed by Katarina Pejović / Boris Bakal), Čovjek koji je spasio Europu (The Man Who Saved Europe, directed by Rene Medvešek), Put oko svijeta u 80 dana (Around the World in Eighty Days, directed by Krešimir Dolenčić), Polet (The Flight of Fancy, directed by Jean-Claude Berutti), Veliki Gatsby (The Great Gatsby, directed by Ivica Buljan), Krijesnice (Fireflies, directed by Janusz Kica), Koko u Parizu (Koko in Paris, directed by Ivica Boban), Skakavci (Grasshoppers, directed by Janusz Kica), Baltazar (directed by Krešimir Dolenčić), Ana Karenjina (Anna Karenina, directed by Vasily Senin), Mala sirena (The Little Mermaid, directed by Robert Waltl), Doktor Dolittle (The Story of Doctor Dolittle, directed by Boris Kovačević), Veliki bijeli zec (Big White Rabbit, directed by Ivica Kunčević), Naš grad (Our Town, directed by Rene Medvešek), Zaštićena zona (Safe Area, directed by Dušan Jovanović), Jelka kod Ivanovih (Christmas at the Ivanovs, directed by Nebojša Borojević), Veliki meštar svih hulja (directed by Branko Brezovec), Insektarij (Insectarium, directed by Andreas Ingenhaag), Kraljevo (directed by Paolo Magelli), Grad u gradu (City in the City, directed by Bobo Jelčić / Nataša Rajković), Tri sestre (Three Sisters, directed by Paolo Magelli), Putovanje jednog princa (The Prince’s Voyage, directed by Ozren Prohić), Tri mušketira (The Three Musketeers, directed by Janusz Kica), Mafija (Mafia, directed by Lukas Nola), Male žene (Small Women, directed by Katja Šimunić), Medeja 1995. (Medea 1995, directed by Leo Katunarić), U logoru (In the Camp, directed by Božidar Violić), Roberto Zucco (directed by Christian Colin), San ivanjske noći (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Janusz Kica), Krležine zastave (Krleža’s Flags, directed by Georgij Paro), Knjiga o džungli (The Jungle Book, directed by Janusz Kica), and Odisej i sin ili svijet i dom (Odysseus and Son, or The World and Home, directed by Vito Taufer)
He also performed at other theatres and events, including the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, Kerempuh Theatre, City Theatre Marin Držić (from 1983 to 1990), and the Dubrovnik Summer Festival. He has worked with many directors, including Kosta Spaić, Joško Juvančić, Marin Carić, and Dora Ruždjak Podolski.
As a TV and film actor he took part in several film co-productions, national TV series, and played a role in the film Krvopijci (Bloodsuckers) directed by Dejan Šorak.
He received the 2020 Croatian Actor Award for the best male role in a play Mi i Oni (Us and Them, ZKM) and the 2010 supporting actor award at the international Naj, Naj, Naj Festival (2010) for his role in the play Put oko svijeta u 80 dana (Around the World in Eighty Days, ZKM).