Nataša Dangubić

Nataša Dangubić was born in Dubrovnik in 1974. She took her master’s degree from the Zagreb University Academy of Dramatic Arts in 2000 and has been the member of the Zagreb Youth Theatre (ZKM) company since 2015.
Shows played at ZKM: Živjet ćemo bolje (We Shall Be Better, directed by Senka Bulić), Folk Acts (directed by Saša Božić), Dobro je dok umiremo po redu (It’s Fine As Long As We Die in Due Order, directed by Aleksandar Švabić), Svjetlo pada (Light Falls, directed by Janusz Kica), Zdrav i čisti dom, to je baš po mom (Healthy and Clean Home, That’s Right for Me!, directed by Kristijan Ugrina), Mi i Oni (Us and Them, directed by Dario Harjaček), Noćni život (Night Life, directed by Paolo Magelli), Rururururur (directed by Marina Pejnović), and Črna mati zemla, Moj muž (Black Mother Earth, My Husband, directed by Dora Ruždjak Podolski), Euforija (Euphoria, directed by Ksenija Zec), Anđeo od leda (Angel of Ice, directed by Árpád Schilling).
She has also performed at other theatres and events, including the &TD Theatre and Dubrovnik Summer Festival and has worked with many theatre directors, such as Bobo Jelčić, Nataša Rajković, Oliver Frljić, Saša Božić, Joško Juvančić, Ivica Kunčević, Ivan Plazibat, Franka Perković, and Miran Kurspahićem.
Her TV and film roles include those in the TV series Bitange i princeze and films Ono sve što znaš o meni, Šuma summarum, Onaj koji će ostati neprimijećen (The One Who Will Stay Unnoticed), ZG 80, Crna kronika, Sex, piće i krvoproliće (Sex, Drink, and Bloodshed), and Zabranjeno smijanje (No Laughing Allowed).
Nataša won the 2020 Croatian Actor Award for the best supporting role in ZKM’s show Dobro je dok umiremo po redu (It’s Fine As Long As We Die in Due Order), Days of Satire Award (one of the five shared awards) for her role in Folk Acts directed by Saša Božić (2017), which also won her the Gumbek Days festival award for the best female role. At the 1999 Actors’ Film Festival in Vinkovci she won the Ivo Fici Award, and in 2001, the best actress award at the International Small Scene Theatre Festival Rijeka for her role in Anna Weiss.