Vedran Živolić

Vedran Živolić was born in Pula on 27 August 1986. He received his master’s degree from the Zagreb University Academy of Dramatic Arts and has been the member of the Zagreb Youth Theatre (ZKM) company since 2010.

Shows played at ZKM: Koko u Parizu (Koko in Paris, directed by Ivica Boban), Gulliverova putovanja (Gulliver’s Travels, directed by Oliver Frljić), Garaža (Garage, directed by Ivica Buljan), Eksplicitni sadržaji (Explicit Content, directed by Katarina Pejović / Boris Bakal), Ovo bi mogla biti moja ulica (This Could Be My Street, directed by Anica Tomić), Fedrina ljubav (Fedra’s Love, directed by Božidar Violić), Ružno pače (The Ugly Duckling, directed by Robert Waltl), Moj sin samo malo sporije hoda (My Son is Just a Slow Walker, directed by Janusz Kica), Pekara Mišmaš (The Mišmaš Bakery, directed by Robert Waltl), Žuta crta (The Yellow Line, directed by Ivica Buljan), Alan Ford (directed by Dario Harjaček), Snajper (Sniper, directed by Franka Perković), Mirni dani u Mixing Partu (Lazy Days in Mixing Part, directed by Boris Liješević), Hamlet (directed by Oliver Frljić), Janje, kokoš, orao (The Lamb, The Hen, The Hawk, directed by Anica Timić / Selma Spahić / Ana Tomović), Petar Pan (Peter Pan, directed by Robert Waltl), #radninaslovantigona (#workingtitleantigone, directed by Renata Carola Gatica), Hinkemann, Tit Andronik (Hinkemann, Titus Andronicus, directed by Igor Vuk Torbica), Crna knjiga (Black Book, directed by Borut Šeparović), Velika bilježnica (The Notebook, directed by Edvin Liverić), Noćni život (Night Life, directed by Paolo Magelli), Zdrav i čisti dom, to je baš po mom (Healthy and Clean Home, That’s Right for Me!, directed by Kristijan Ugrina), Alisa u Zemlji čudesa (Alice in Wonderland, directed by Renata Carola Gatica), Eichmann u Jeruzalemu (Eichmann in Jerusalem, directed by Jernej Lorenci), Monovid-19 (directed by Anica Tomić), Cement (directed by Sebastijan Horvat), Rurururururururur (directed by Marina Pejnović), Svjetlo pada (Light Falls, directed by Janusz Kica), Višnjik (The Cherry Orchard, directed by Ivan Popovski), Euforija (Euphoria, directed by Ksenija Zec), Jezik kopačke (The Language of Football Boots, directed by Borut Šeparović).