Zoran Čubrilo

Zoran Čubrilo was born in Zagreb in 1967. He graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in 1993, joined the Croatian National Theatre in Varaždin between 1993 and 1005, and has been the member of the Zagreb Youth Theatre (ZKM) company since 1995.
Shows played at ZKM: Medeja 1995. (Medea 1995, directed by Leo Katunarić), Hamper (Bucket, directed by Rene Medvešek), Tri mušketira (The Three Musketeers, directed by Janusz Kica), Putovanje jednog princa (The Prince’s Voyage, directed by Ozren Prohić), Tri sestre (Three Sisters, directed by Paolo Magelli), Događaj u gradu Gogi (An Event in the Town of Goga, directed by Damir Zlatar Frey), Pravi zapad (True West, directed by Leo Katunarić), Grad u gradu (City in the City, directed by Bobo Jelčić / Nataša Rajković), Dom od kiše (The Home Made of Rain, directed by Marin Carić), Veliki meštar sviju hulja (The Great Master of All Scoundrels, directed by Branko Brezovec), Naranča u oblacima (Orange in the Clouds, directed by Borna Baletić), Brat magarac (Brother Donkey, directed by Rene Medvešek), Zaštićena zona (Safe Area, directed by Dušan Jovanović), Kamov, smrtopis (Kamov, On Death, directed by Branko Brezovec), Naš grad (Our Town, directed by Rene Medvešek), Priče mačka na grani (Tales of the Perched Cat, directed by Zlatko Bourek), Peto evanđelje (The Fifth Gospel, directed by Branko Brezovec), Doktor Dolittle (The Story of Doctor Dolittle, directed by Boris Kovačević), Ana Karenjina (Anna Karenina, directed by Vasily Senin), Vrata do (Next Door, directed by Rene Medvešek), Victor ili djeca na vlasti (Victor, or Power to the Children, directed by Haris Pašović), Galeb (The Seagull, directed by Vasily Senin), Krijesnice (Fireflies, directed by Janusz Kica), Koko u Parizu (Koko in Paris, directed by Ivica Boban), Oprostite, mogu li vam ispričati…? (Excuse me, Can I Tell You…?, directed by Anica Tomić), Brak Marije Braun (The Marriage of Maria Braun, directed by Tea Vlašić Alagić), Ovo bi mogla biti moja ulica (This Could Be My Street, directed by Anica Tomić), Buđenje proljeća (Spring Awakening, directed by Oliver Frljić), Mauzer (Mauser, directed by Borut Šeparović), Fedrina ljubav (Fedra’s Love, directed by Božidar Violić), Idiot (The Idiot, directed by Ivan Popovski), Žena bez tijela (The Woman Without a Body, directed by Božidar Violić), Mirni dani u Mixing Partu (Lazy Days in Mixing Part, directed by Boris Liješević), Sada je, zapravo, sve dobro (Yes, Really, Everything’s All Right Now, directed by Olja Lozica), Alan Ford (directed by Dario Harjaček), Kristofor Kolumbo (Christopher Columbus, directed by Rene Medvešek), Emil i detektivi (Emil and the Detectives, directed by Milan Trenc), Priroda i društvo (Nature and Society, directed by Nora Krstulović), Pad (The Fall, directed by Miran Kurspahić), Noćni život (Night Life, directed by Paolo Magelli), Črna mati zemla (Black Mother Earth, directed by Dora Ruždjak Podolski), Zdrav i čisti dom, to je baš po mom (Healthy and Clean Home, That’s Right for Me!, directed by Kristijan Ugrina), Ono što nedostaje (That Which is Missing, directed by Selma Spahić), Pansion Eden (directed by Árpád Schilling), Dobro je dok umiremo po redu (It’s Fine As Long As We Die in Due Order, directed by Aleksandar Švabić), Mi i Oni (Us and Them, directed by Dario Harjaček), Monovid-19 (directed by Anica Tomić), Ja sam ona koja nisam (I Am Who I’m Not, directed by Paolo Magelli), Moj muž (My Husband, directed by Dora Ruždjak Podolski) and Anđeo od leda (Angel of Ice, directed by Árpád Schilling), Jezik kopačke (Football Boot Tongue, directed by Borut Šeparović).
He also performed at other theatres and events, including the Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka, Dubrovnik Summer Festival, and Split Summer Festival as well as in thirty-odd films and TV series.
“’I could have been different kind of crazy’, I tell myself ever so often, even though I don’t look deeper into or even know what it means. Yet, I have never thought that I should have kept myself away from being crazy, only that this kind of crazy that I have is not the real one and that I may have neglected it from the start.” (Danijel Dragojević).