Us and Them
Is school an educational institution as its definition says? What is the society’s relation to it? In what ways is the grade point average important? Do we learn for knowledge or for the grade? What is the meaning of grades from E to A and the scholastic achievement less than straight A’s? How relevant for the real life is the knowledge acquired at school, and how competent for the real life are the young people once they finish the high school? What is the relationship between free will and coercion at school, how do they influence each other and how do they manifest themselves – in students and in their teachers? What is the status of teachers? Which tools are available to them to gain authority and the trust of their students? How free are they to approach the subject they teach creatively? How complex is the triangle students-parents-teachers? Who is Us and who is Them, and who or what divides us from them in that game of separation?
The world school derives from the Greek skholé, which means „entertainment in free time, leisure“. The crucial question is: How and why have we abandoned the idea of acquiring knowledge through entertainment and play, and turned school into an institution dominated by boredom and anxiety? And what can we do to change it?
Doris Šarić Kukuljica: Marina Antić, školski psiholog
Mia Melcher: Maja Despot, prof. hrvatskog jezika
Hrvojka Begović: Hana Franić Medak, prof. likovne umjetnosti
Maro Martinović: Jozo Brajica, prof. matematike
Nataša Dangubić: Mirela Ajduk, majka Eve Miller
Dora Polić Vitez / Petra Svrtan: Jasna Kos Filipović, ravnateljica škole
Mateo Videk / Jasmin Telalović: Marijan Bucić, prof. fizike
Adrian Pezdirc: Šimun Franić Medak, prof. politike i gospodarstva
Damir Šaban / Zoran Čubrilo: Dalibor Tkalčić, prof. tjelesnog odgoja
Polaznici Učilišta ZKM-a:
4 F, učenici
Nina Anđelković / Marija Pavić: Lara Ramić
Petrunjela Baće / Ira Tadić: Tonka Lapin (Tuna)
Petra Donković / Dori Sušanj: Matija Klement
Mark Fejer / Filip Bielen: Lovro Kuzmić
Karlo Gagulić / Lovro Sabol: Jakov Babić
Ivan Grlić / Filip Tomić: Eugen Vrčić (Čakra)
Petra Herceg / Nika Dinarina Mladić: Nicole Antić
Filip Ivančić / Fran Pavić / Špiro Filip Lasić: Marko Kovač (Kova)
Tena Ivanetić / Lucija Milojčić / Tia Radunović: Michelle Frisch
Val Ivan Klašterka / Fran Premelić: Marko Penter (Marac)
Marta Lončar / Nina Hrubi: Eva Miller
Inja Munić / Anđelija Ostojić: Mara Vukmanović
Paula Omerbegović / Zara Grubešić: Ena Berković
Lucija Rajković / Lorena Cvitešić: Tena Šarić
Autorski tim
Director: Dario Harjaček
Dramaturge: Katarina Pejović
Costume designer: Doris Kristić
Set designer: Vesna Režić
Composer: Damir Šimunović
Scenic movement assistant: Tamara Curić
Lighting designer: Aleksandar Čavlek
Project assistants: Katja Grcić, Dorotea Šušak
Assistant costume designer: Rea Janjić
Assistant set designer: Tamara Pavković
ZKM Drama Studio pedagogue: Marija Bitunjac, Grozdana Lajić Horvat
Stage manager: Petra Prša